Welcome to the wishforworldpeace.com
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"The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world."
What? “The wish for world peace”
Where? Planet Earth
Who? For all that would like and are able to.
It’s enough simply to wish for peace across the whole Earth once
daily for everyone, without distinction, but preferably before bed. The
length of time doesn’t matter, but the more, the better. If you are a
believer, then you can use it at the start of your daily practice. If you
don’t believe in such a thing, express yourself actively; maybe it will
help. In any case, try to read this entire website to give yourself the
knowledge you need.
Although it looks simple and naive - do almost
nothing - it is also part of a 25-year-long scientific experiment at Princeton
University. Everyone can see a possible result in the news day or week
after the event (for example, about the end of military conflicts). Also,
here on the pages, it will be possible to see figures from crime statistics
from different cities from different parts of the world.
More info is below.
If you are even somewhat interested in world news, you will surely
know war has raged in Europe for over a year. It’s a war where rockets
and artillery are used, a war where more than 100,000 people have
died. Many children have lost their parents, especially fathers, on both
sides of the battle.
It’s a war where the country that took the “first step” to an open conflict
claims it is only a “Special Operation.” But the worst thing is that, thanks
to the rhetoric of Russian politicians about the possible use of nuclear
weapons, this war could have a truly global impact.
Any war can have completely different, hidden effects. This can
create a domino effect, which can happen when the leaders of other
countries make decisions as an excuse for a new conflict. “After all, if
they did it this way, surely we can do it too and deal with a possible
future enemy.” This is about possible future conflicts that can instantly
turn into global ones.
Of course, these are not the only conflicts. Above is a likn of the
website, Human Vision, where you can look at all ongoing, unfinished
conflicts around the world. In total, there are about 62 cases. On this website,
however, you can also find the Global Peace Index or the
Global Terrorist Index for each country separately.
There is It is particularly worth mentioning the conflict in Yemen, which started
due to the presidential elections, where a huge number of children are dying of
hunger simply because humanitarian aid cannot reach them.
In the end, one very important aspect is more or less psychological:
dealing with a child’s life trauma from the loss of a parent
at an early age. More specifically, it is a complex that more or less
suffered from these men - the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Genghis
Khan - conquered the largest territory in history, Friedrich
Nietzsche - representative of Existentialism (philosophical direction of
the Nazis, which, among other things, denies the existence of God) but
also Muhammad.
The father of three of these influential figures was killed in a violent
death. This can only prove an internal reflection on the violent
rearrangement of the world, where the result is the certainty that
something similar could not happen to them, their descendants, or their
village. This creates a long-term and generational challenge.
More About the Arrangement
Mainly due to the war in Ukraine, everything is becoming more
expensive, and the governments of individual states have to spend
more and more money on producing and developing weapons.
However, there is another way. It has, or can have, an effect on the fact
that all of this doesn’t have to happen. This is the opposite action. It is
an action for peace, and it should be dynamic, especially in terms of the
number of participants.
In essence, as will be described and explained below, every day,
each person on Earth will experience the deepest possible sense of
relaxation – and that is sleep. Everything that is experienced during the
day is learned and evaluated at night, and solutions are sought.
Moreover, during these times, it seems that information could be
transferred, especially for those who are not ego-oriented.
In a little more detail, during the day, it’s good to think at least once
about what will happen during your sleep. The most important time for
this is right before going to sleep. Most of all, we should wish for peace
for everyone so that little children and their parents do not die.
A more advanced variant of "the wish" is to kindly ask a specific well-known
person responsible for a specific military conflict to stop the senseless
killing. This is a good option to wish for, as it works during your sleep. It
passes on during the night.
If you are a believer and you pray, you can directly ask God for it in
prayer. If you meditate, you can include it at the beginning or the end (or
both) of your meditation. The depth of your imagination truly has no
limits here!
The idea of planting seeds of peace and the subsequent harvest of
satisfied people can be excellent, and it certainly works for small
children. One of those healthy and satisfied people, in the future, may
well be someone reading this, too.
And what does science have to do with this? It’s all connected.
The positive thing is that there is certainly evidence for this event, and it
is not negligible. Technologies based on the principle of randomness
are used here. French researcher René Peoc'h used a robot and a chick,
which, as we know, must follow a hen - its mother.
The robot used random movements in a limited space, so
these movements were plotted simultaneously. Behind the low barrier
was a box with a window in which a young chick was placed. The result
of the 1st experiment with an empty box was that the robot moved
evenly in the enclosed space. The 2nd attempt was with a chick in a box
that looked at the robot. The robot generated and performed the vast
majority of movements directly around the box with the chick. The
chick’s information about the need to follow its mother was captured by
the robot’s random motion generator. More information can be found
here: https://www.supporthealth.com.au/rene-peoch-chickens-
The Global Consciousness Project
Following a similar principle, Dr. Rodger Nelson based his research
(the Global Consciousness Project) using random number generators.
He and his team deployed several of these generators around
the world and evaluated their results. He found that many global events like
the celebrations of the New Year in 2000 and the terrorist attack on the
WTC in New York generated stronger signals and disturbance. The
opposite was recorded on World Tai Chi & Qigong Day in 2000. Thanks
to people who practiced Tai Chi worldwide (also called meditation in
motion), on that day, the curve recorded the lowest level up until that
time. What’s even more interesting is that, in the big city where it was
practiced, crime also decreased. That’s a strong argument. Interestingly,
since the beginning of the research, this average curve constantly grew,
becoming stronger probably due to population growth.
So even this planned event will be a part of this project, which can be called a social experiment. The result could be a suspension of senseless dying.
The video describes what could happen in the next few years after the use of 100 nuclear weapons. Nowadays, most nuclear missiles are one meter long and fighter jets are used as carriers.